Welcome to the club of 100 Foundation Blessed Home.
Don’t you know what it is? Then read this article and maybe you’re one of the 100.
The club 100 is composed of:
100 donors Blessed Home sympathetic
100 supporters who actually want to do something for their distant Neighbour in Ghana
100 donors who want to do something for the orphans which are central to Blessed Home
100 donors who regularly get a (digital) newsletter sent on the developments of Blessed Home
100 donors who are willing to want to support his Blessed Home for an extended period
In short, you get VIP treatment Foundation Blessed Home.
What does Blessed Home for You?
- A commitment that Blessed Home Foundation annually may depreciate at least 100 euros in May from your bank account
- You can order your bank to give permission for that alter Foundation Blessed Home
- You can see this as a gift to the Foundation, and because Blesssed Home has ANBI status it’s a deductible gift.
Are you one of the 100 donators of Foundation Blessed Home? For a relatively small amount of money every year you are actually doing a lot for the orphans in Ghana.
Incase you want to join? Please kindly send us email to: penningmeester@blessedhomeghana.org