‘Blessed Home’ is a Dutch foundation, founded in 2016. Blessed Home supports single teenage mothers and their children. In Ghana, many teenage mothers are without families to support them. This can be caused by alcohol or drugs abuse, their financial situation or psychological problems. Violence, forced labor, child labor and sexual abuse are seen every day. Blessed Home tries to get several of these teenage mothers and their children out of their gloomy situation, and offers them a new, hopeful future.
We do this by providing temporary shelter to teenage mothers and their children. We provide them with a stable, supervised environment so they can recover from what they’ve been through. We provide food and shelter, a good routine and training at sewing school Adepam, the school on the premises of Blessed Home. This is a temporary situation. After their training, we want to guide them towards a stable living situation, where they can provide for themselves independently.
Faith, Hope and Love, are the pillars of our foundation. We really want to mean something to others. As a foundation, we do not only support teenage Christian mothers. All types of teenage mothers in emergency are welcome.